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Files Phone number extractor is a useful tool adept at extracting Phone numbers contained in Word, PDF, Excel or PowerPoint files. The software provides advanced filtering options. These filtering options enable the user to set search criteria as per the need and extract relevant and required numbers excluding irrelevant numbers. Users can also save the extracted phone numbers. Numbers can be saved in .CSV format which opens in MS excel or .TXT format which opens in Notepad.  These advanced features make phone number search fast and easy.
Use of this software is extremely easy. Files from which numbers need to be extracted can be either manually added or automatically added by selecting folders to add all files contained in them. Thereafter users can simply press start extracting button to extract files. Likewise, save numbers button can be used to save the numbers in .CSV or .TXT format. The software has been specifically programmed to exclude duplicate numbers. The tool can extract Fax numbers apart from phone numbers. Users can extract numbers from excel files,  find mobile numbers contained in word or PDF files or find phone numbers in PowerPoint files with similar ease. The tool can effortlessly extract numbers from word files like doc, docx, dot, docm, dotm, dotx etc., excel files like XLS, XLSX, XLA, XLT etc. and power point files like ppt, pot, pptx, potm, pptm, ppsm, potx etc. and save them for intended use.
Files Phone Number extractor can be valuable in present scenario. As organizations rely heavily on phone for all types of business communication, they need phone number extractor software's for smooth conduct of business. Especially companies relying on telemarketing to sell their products need software's like Files Phone Number Extractor.


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Files Phone Number Extractor
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